Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Jupiter Bloodsucker

Jupiter Bloodsucker

Jupiter Bloodsucker

This plant is a man-sized tangle of leaves and roots. Four large dark green and serrated leaves top the brown, red-veined roots.

Jupiter Bloodsucker CR 3

XP 800
N Medium plant
Init -3; Senses blindsense 60 ft., bloodsense 60 ft.; Perception +0

hp 30 (4d8+12)
Fort +7, Ref -2, Will +1
Immune plant traits
Weaknesses vulnerability to fire

Melee 6 vine leaves +4 (1d6+1 plus blood drain and grab)
Special Attacks blood drain (1 Con per vine leaf), smother

Base Atk +3; CMB +4 (+8 to grapple); CMD 11 (can’t be tripped)

Environment temperate forests
Organization solitary, patch (2-5), or bed (6-10)
Treasure none

The Jupiter bloodsucker, or vampire plant, is a small, seemingly ordinary plant. A creature looking closely at the roots may notice that the stems are transparent and that blood seems to course through them (DC 15 Perception check from 5 ft. or less to notice). On the bottom of each leaf are many small, sharp thorns. These are used to attach to a victim and drain its blood. The Jupiter bloodsucker attacks with its leaves in combat, attempting to grapple and pin a foe. A grabbed opponent is drained of blood by the thorny leaves. At the same time, one leaf covers the victim’s face, attempting to smother it.

Jupiter Bloodsucker from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jean Wells.